Summer Interns Author UN Goals Curriculum

by | Jul 14, 2020 | Partners

We are proud to announce that this summer nine STEMworks students are interning virtually at Bizgenics Foundation. They are currently developing curriculum for BizzyB around the UN Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which will be available worldwide for anyone to use once completed. Each student will serve as the primary author for one project template and co-author for a second project template. 

The interns will not be solving a specific issue, but instead be establishing the parameters for a project that will address the SDGs. The templates they create will empower others in the future to invent their own solutions. These may include examples, tips and quotes. In addition, the interns will be required to create lessons for each of what we call the “Fab Five” key concept areas (Idea, Invention, Story, Users, Goals) which will guide and inspire the research and design process. They will also be encouraged to use multimedia, such as creating their own videos, to make the content more engaging.


Environmental, Equality, and Well-Being Issues 

The UN Goals they have already selected include the themes of:

  • UN 1: No Poverty
  • UN 3: Good Health & Well-Being
  • UN 4: Quality Education
  • UN 5: Gender Equality
  • UN 7: Affordable & Clean Energy
  • UN 10: Reduced Inequalities
  • UN 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities
  • UN 12: Responsible Consumption & Production
  • UN 13: Climate Action

The 17 UN SDGs were agreed to in 2015 by world leaders. These goals have the power to create a better world by 2030, by addressing the key issues affecting us today. Guided by the goals, governments, businesses, civil society and the general public have been working together to build a better future for everyone.

The STEMworks Internship Program

The four-week, 20 hours/week internship began on June 29 and runs until July 31, with mentor check-ins every week. The participants consist of students (and one graduate) from Honokaa High School, Kapolei High School, Kauai High School, Lake Oswego High School, Maui Preparatory Academy, and Moanalua High School. Each will receive a $500 stipend provided by STEMworks.


BizzyB’s interns have been hard at work on this exciting project. Meet them and learn about what theyʻve created!