In our search to create new paradigms in invention, innovation and entrepreneurial learning, we’ve learned how to quickly create products to test our education theories. A couple paths we’ve had great success in rapid product development are card games and just-in-time publishing. In effect, these systems combine rapid prototyping and minimum viable product (MVP) production into a single process that’s easy, inexpensive and immediately distributed around the globe.
BizzyB Invention, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Card Games
To test our 5 Essential Themes of Innovation, we created a card game and printed it online. Designing graphics and uploading a PDF got us started with an online printer who delivered product in about a week for $8/deck. There was no printing minimum. Having students play with the card games and observing them play helped validate our approach, language and other items related to student perceptions.
Just-In-Time Publishing
We also publish 5 Essential Themes of Innovation in print workbooks to test journaling in paper versions. While paper versions of BizzyB journals aren’t as feature rich as the digital version of BizzyB, we’re able to test protocols and content with students. We’re also able to gain adoption of our invention, innovation and entrepreneurship concepts before making users jump to a digital platform.